International Hoops

League legends Ant Rowe and Drew Lasker rate our Playoff contenders – British Basketball League

League legends Ant Rowe and Drew Lasker rate our Playoff contenders – British Basketball League

What a season it has been so far in the British Basketball League! The Championship campaign drew to a close on Sunday and now it’s full steam ahead towards the Playoffs – which we’ve ALL been waiting for!

With the Championship firmly in the rear-view
mirror, however, we took the time to sit down with two legends of the League –
Ant Rowe and Drew Lasker – to review the eight Playoff contenders and the
season’s they’ve had so far. Keep reading to find out more as Ant and Drew
reveal their end-of-season report cards!

London Lions – Drew Lasker


The Lions are number one in every statical category on the
offensive end! The way the ball gets whipped around from side to side is beautiful
to watch and the Lions have everything you could ever want out of an

Matt Morgan is their main threat and is impossible to guard as
he’s equipped with rare combination of elite speed and incredible accuracy from
beyond the arc. The team’s spacing is immaculate and means opposition defences
can’t focus on one guy because the Lions are littered with high-IQ players who
can all shoot and score at will. 

As a group they have unwavering confidence in their abilities,
which means at times they will go through spells where they get sloppy with the
ball hence why they average 16 turnovers per game – which is the worst return
in the League – but they have the firepower and composure overall to more than
make up for that.


Since day one in every interview Coach Bozic has constantly
emphasized the importance of his team’s defence.  Donte Grantham and midseason signing David
Nwaba are their most talented individual defenders but this group hones in on
positional defense that rarely sees them take risks and instead relies on
structured rotations.

When required, they can take it up a level and squeeze the life
out of any offense with their size. Finding cracks in their defence is
difficult but by diving deep into your offensive sets, using quick ball
reversals to get the defence moving and taking those opportunities the Lions
can be beat.


The Lions bench is all first-class seats who could all start on
other teams. 12 guys on the roster average 18 minutes or more. Not one player
has started every game this season and the lineups shuffle game to game which
keeps everyone motivated.

However, we have seen some flaws on the backend of their bench
when they…

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