NCAA Women

Q&A With Kyndal Walker – University of Maryland Athletics

Q&A With Kyndal Walker - University of Maryland Athletics


Question: What made you start playing basketball?

Kyndal Walker: My dad and my brother influenced me to play. My dad used to coach my brother when he was younger and I was a soccer player but that was never really my thing. I would go to the gym with them and kind of be bored in the corner so I picked up a basketball and started copying the drills they were doing. After that, I couldn’t put the ball down. 


Q: Who has been the most influential person in your life? 

KW: My mom has taught me a lot about fighting. I learned that through life you can’t make excuses for anything. She fought a long battle that gave me no reason to not fight for things and think anything is impossible. 


Q: What are your pre-game rituals?

KW: I usually play songs and listen to music. I have to have everything at certain angles, like my socks, and make sure that is all in check. I have to hype myself up and do a couple of breathing things to calm myself down. I get myself hyped with music to get me going.


Q: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 

KW: Not everything is gonna be given to you easily. To get to certain places, there’s always something that you have to go through to get there. So as long as you think you can just go and do something, it’ll come to you more easily but there is a lot more that goes into things like that.



Q: What is your intended major and dream job? 

KW: My intended major is business and my dream job is to be an analyst. I thought about doing management, marketing, and ever some film stuff since I like creative things. Film and art would be interesting. 


Q: Favorite part of the Croatia trip?

KW: My favorite part was just seeing everyone happy, I feel like that was a big thing. Sometimes you could be a little tense in the basketball world. So just having something to get away and just smile and laugh. 


Q: If you didn’t play basketball, what sport would you play? 

KW: Track or soccer. I would probably run the 200 and other short-distance events. I tried to do the high jump once but my back was a little tight.  


Q: If you brought a friend to Maryland, where would you take them to eat?

KW: Board and Brew. I haven’t played any of the games there but I like…

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