NBA Hoops

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar slams Kyrie Irving: ‘A comical buffoon’

Kevin Durant thinks Nets should draw inspirations from Warriors

Both Kyrie Irving and the Brooklyn Nets are hoping to move on from a disastrous 2021-22 season that saw the star guard make more headlines off the court than on it. But on the eve of the new NBA regular season, Lakers legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is blasting Irving over a social media controversy.

In his latest post on Substack, Abdul-Jabbar calls out Irving for sharing a video clip featuring disgraced commentator Alex Jones talking about a conspiracy theory.

According to Abdul-Jabbar, Irving would be a pariah if not for his status as a star player, and Abdul-Jabbar even called for his readers to contact the companies paying Irving in an attempt to cause Irving to lose sponsors.


“Irving is back and more destructive, insensitive, and just plain silly than before. He decided it would be a good idea to post a 2002 video clip from Infowars founder Alex Jones. Yeah, the guy who has been on trial for denying the Sandy Hook shootings and who previously admitted in open court that he’s a performer and his onscreen persona is just a character (that bilks millions of dollars from unaware viewers).

…. Kyrie Irving would be dismissed as a comical buffoon if it weren’t for his influence over young people who look up to athletes. When I look at some of the athletes who have used their status to actually improve society—Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James, Muhammad Ali, Bill Russel, Billie Jean King, Arthur Ashe, and more—it becomes clear how much Irving has tarnished the reputations of all athletes who strive to be seen as more than dumb jocks.

Irving does not seem to have the capacity to change, but we have the capacity to keep fighting against his brand of destructive behavior. One way to do that, beyond shaking our heads and nasty tweets, is to write to his sponsors and tell them to drop Irving—or you will drop them. Nike has likely decided not to renew his contract past this season. But he is still sponsored by Pepsi and 2K Sports. (Don’t feel bad for Irving: his career earnings at the end of the 2022-’23 season will be $230 million. That buys a lot of Yes-people.)”

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